
New Package Available to Buy Nauta Hogar

ETECSA added a package with a value of 10 CUC per month to buy the Nauta Hogar service.


ETECSA informed that a new package is now available to buy the Nauta Hogar service. This package has 20 hours of navigation per month at a speed of 1024/256 kbps. Its price is 10 CUC.

The table below gives details about the five packages that ETECSA provides for Nauta Hogar now. In the case of the first two packages, the first month is free. In the others, the price of the first month has a discount of 15 CUC.

Speed Monthly price Monthly hours
1024/256 Kbps 10 CUC 20
1024/256 Kbps 15 CUC 30
2048/256 Kbps 30 CUC 30
3072/512 Kbps 50 CUC 30
4096/512 Kbps 70 CUC 30

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I continue browsing through my Nauta Hogar once the hours of the contracted package have been spent?

Yes. To do this, you must use a Nauta account with a balance. If you use a Nauta account associated with Nauta Hogar, the rate will be 0.50 CUC/hour. Otherwise, the rate will be 1 CUC/hour.

Note that the Nauta Hogar link must be enabled. If ETECSA has blocked the link due to non-payment, you will not be able to access the Internet in any way using your Nauta Hogar.

How do I keep my Nauta Hogar link enabled?

The Nauta Hogar link remains enabled by paying the monthly fee to ETECSA.

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