
And the license for when?

The granting of new licenses for the activity “Computer Programmer” remains suspended.


Today, November 6, new regulations for self-employment were published in the Official Gazette No. 85 Ordinary. In general, new activities are incorporated, others are compacted and tax adjustments are made. Modifications are also made in the case of private carriers.

What continues to disappoint many is that the granting of new licenses for the activity “Computer Programmer” is still suspended. This activity has been frozen since August 1st, 2017, when the Official Gazette No. 31 Extraordinary was published.

In Context

This is a perfect example that demonstrates the power of bureaucracy to delay processes.

Year 2017

In the Extraordinary Official Gazette No. 31 of August 1st, 2017, it was indicated that self-employment would be improved, so it was necessary to temporarily suspend the granting of new authorizations in 27 activities, including the activity “Computer Programmer”.

Year 2018

Almost a year later, on July 10, 2018, the regulations resulting from the improvement were published in the Official Gazette No. 35 Extraordinary , which would enter into force in December of the same year. The activity “Computer Programmer” was still valid for self-employment.

In December 2018, new licenses began to be issued for the approved activities, except for the activity “Computer Programmer” because the regulatory body did not have the rules for this activity ready yet.

Year 2019

And we come to today, November 6, 2019. In the Official Gazette No. 85 Ordinary published today, it is clearly indicated that the granting of new authorizations for this activity remains suspended.

In short, almost two and a half years have been insufficient to order this activity.


The question that all of us related to this area of knowledge ask ourselves is: why has it taken so long to order an activity that has immense potential to capture fresh foreign exchange, when we have the main thing, which is human resources?

The popular proverb says that when the bureaucracy cannot control something, it prohibits or hinders it. Hopefully after this long wait, the result will not be regulations that prohibit and hinder, but regulations that stimulate the growth of the sector.

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